Tuesday, May 29, 2007

As Seen on TV

I had planned on blogging about the socks I knit over Memorial Day weekend, but I am going to have to postpone that until I can take better pictures. Instead, here are some other finished objects I completed a little while ago. Both were inspired by several other knit bloggers that have also posted about these patterns.

The first is Shedir by Jenna Wilson published by knitty. I used one ball of the recommended Rowan Calmer in 'Slosh' (#479) and size 3 bamboo dpns. I started on April 14th and finished April 20th.

I saw this hat on many different blogs, and I instantly wanted one. I was a little intimidated by the pattern at first, but I plunged in anyway. Unlike most of my other knits where I mostly read my work, I had to keep the chart with me from start to finish. And while I wanted to pull my hair out during the last couple of rounds of centered double decreases, I really love this hat and expect to make another some day.

Jenna also wrote a piece about her design process for this hat that I thought was pretty interesting.

The second is the Shetland Triangle by Evelyn A. Clark from WrapStyle. I used 2.5 hanks of the Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool in 'Deep Purple' (#022) and size 4 metal circulars. I started on April 27th and finished May 8th. My needle size was a little too small as I had to do 16 repeats instead of 10 in order to get the right size. After blocking, the shawl was about 52" wide and 25" long.

Again, this knit has been featured on may blogs, and I really liked the pattern. The problem was that I didn't know what I would do with a lace shawl once I finished it. Luckily, the BF said his mother might make a good recipient, so I set to work.

Truth be told, I don't own WrapStyle nor have I even seen a copy. I was able to decipher the repeat pattern using the wonderful pictures and postings online. There a probably some differences, particularly at the edges, but I liked the finished product. More importantly, the MIL loved it.

1 comment:

carla said...

I've been toying with the idea of winging it on the Shetland Triangle myself. I mean, it's just the fir cone and horseshoe patterns, right? Do I really need to buy a book for that? Maybe I'll make a Shetland Rectangle.

I like your work -- it's nice to see other adventurous new knitters!